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전체 글

    [논문 세미나] NEZHA: Exploiting Concurrency for TransactionProcessing in DAG-based Blockchains

    [논문 세미나] NEZHA: Exploiting Concurrency for TransactionProcessing in DAG-based Blockchains

    Title: NEZHA: Exploiting Concurrency for Transaction Processing in DAG-based Blockchains Authors: J. Xiao, S. Zhang, Z. Zhang, B. Li, X. Dai and H. Jin Journal/Conference: ICDCS '22 Sources: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9912285 Abstract: A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)-based blockchain with its inherent parallel structure can potentially significantly improve the throughput performance ov..

    [논문 세미나] SChain: Scalable Concurrency over Flexible Permissioned Blockchain

    [논문 세미나] SChain: Scalable Concurrency over Flexible Permissioned Blockchain

    Authors: Xiaodong Qi; Zhihao Chen; Haizhen Zhuo; Quanqing Xu; Chengyu Zhu; Zhao Zhang; Cheqing Jin; Aoying Zhou; Ying Yan; Hui Zhang Journal/Conference: ICDE '23 Source: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.03058 Presentation material: Abstract Permissioned blockchains are being widely applied to solve the trust problem in enterprise collaboration. However, most of these systems suffer from low throughput..

    [논문 세미나] Shoal: Improving DAG-BFT Latency And Robustness

    [논문 세미나] Shoal: Improving DAG-BFT Latency And Robustness

    Authors: Alexander Spiegelman, Balaji Arun, Rati Gelashvili, Zekun Li Journal/Conference: arXiv '23 Source: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.03058 Presentation material: Abstract The Narwhal system is a state-of-the-art Byzantine fault-tolerant scalable architecture that involves constructing a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of messages among a set of validators in a Blockchain network. Bullshark is a z..

    [논문 세미나] Bullshark: DAG BFT Protocols Made Practical

    [논문 세미나] Bullshark: DAG BFT Protocols Made Practical

    Authors: Alexander Spiegelman, Neil Giridharan, Alberto Sonnino, Lefteris Kokoris-Kogias Journal/Conference: ACM CCS '22 Source: https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.05677 Presentation material: Abstract We present Bullshark, the first directed acyclic graph (DAG) based asynchronous Byzantine Atomic Broadcast protocol that is optimized for the common synchronous case. Like previous DAG-based BFT protocols..

    [논문 리뷰] DORA: Distributed Oracle Agreement with Simple Majority

    [논문 리뷰] DORA: Distributed Oracle Agreement with Simple Majority

    Authors: Prasanth Chakka, Saurabh Joshi, Aniket Kate, Joshua Tobkin, David Yang Journal/Conference: ICDCS '23 Source: https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.03903 Abstract Oracle networks feeding off-chain information to a blockchain are required to solve a distributed agreement problem since these networks receive information from multiple sources and at different times. We make a key observation that in m..

    [논문 리뷰] When Private Blockchain Meets Deterministic Database

    [논문 리뷰] When Private Blockchain Meets Deterministic Database

    Authors: Ziliang Lai, Chris Liu, Eric Lo Journal/Conference: ACM PODS ‘23 Source: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3588952 presentation materials: Abstract Private blockchain as a replicated transactional system shares many commonalities with distributed database. However, the intimacy between private blockchain and deterministic database has never been studied. In essence, private blockchain and ..

    [KCC 2023] Survey on Asynchronous BFT consensus Algorithms for Scalable and Robust Blockchain

    [KCC 2023] Survey on Asynchronous BFT consensus Algorithms for Scalable and Robust Blockchain

    Author: Donghyeon Ryu, Chanik Park in POSTECH Journal/Conference: KCC '23 Paper: (eng) (kor) Abstract Blockchain technology is being applied to various areas such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), decentralized finance (DeFi), security tokens (STs), central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and decentralized identity (DID) based on its decentralization, transparency, and high reliability. However, t..

    Paper references about Hyperledger fabric

    [StreamChain] StreamChain: Do Blockchains Need Blocks? (ACM SERIAL'18) : https://doi.org/10.1145/3284764.3284765 [FastFabric] FastFabric: Scaling Hyperledger Fabric to 20,000 Transactions per Second (IEEE ICBC '19) : https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.00910 [Fabric++] Blurring the Lines between Blockchains and Database Systems: the Case of Hyperledger Fabric. (ACM PODS ’19) : https://bigdata.uni-saarlan..