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전체 글

    [논문 리뷰] ProGraph: Robust Network Traffic Identification With Graph Propagation

    [논문 리뷰] ProGraph: Robust Network Traffic Identification With Graph Propagation

    Authors: W. Li, X. -Y. Zhang, H. Bao, H. Shi and Q. Wang Journal/Conference: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2022 Source: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9933044 Presentation materials: Abstract Network traffic identification is critical for effective network management. Existing methods mostly focus on invariant network environments with stable attribute distributions. Unfortunately, ..

    [논문 세미나] Why and How zkSNARK Works Definitive Explanation

    [논문 세미나] Why and How zkSNARK Works Definitive Explanation

    Authors: Maksym Petkus Journal/Conference: arXiv '19 Source: https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.07221 Presentation material: Abstract Despite the existence of multiple great resources on zk-SNARK construction, from original papers1 to explainers2 , due to the sheer number of moving parts the subject remains a black box for many. While some pieces of the puzzle are given one can not see the full picture ..

    [논문 리뷰] Narwhal and Tusk: A DAG-based Mempool and Efficient BFT Consensus

    [논문 리뷰] Narwhal and Tusk: A DAG-based Mempool and Efficient BFT Consensus

    Authors : George Danezis, Lefteris Kokoris-Kogias, Alberto Sonnino, and Alexander Spiegelman Journal/Conference : EuroSys '22, New York, NY, USA, 34–50. Source : https://doi.org/10.1145/3492321.3519594 Abstract We propose separating the task of reliable transaction dissemination from transaction ordering, to enable high-performance Byzantine fault-tolerant quorum-based consensus. We design and e..

    [논문 세미나] HotStuff: BFT Consensus with Linearity and Responsiveness

    [논문 세미나] HotStuff: BFT Consensus with Linearity and Responsiveness

    Authors: Yin, M., Malkhi, D., Reiter, M. K., Gueta, G. G., & Abraham, I. Journal/Conference: In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (pp. 347-356). Source: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3293611.3331591 Presentation material: 저자인 Dahila Malkhi 가 HotStuff-2 를 새롭게 제안했다. paper 는 작성중인 draft 만 발견할 수 있다. 이번 세미나 자료에는 hotstuff-2 에 대한 간략한 개념도 포함했다. Abstract We pres..

    학부시절 MDPI Sensors 논문 출판 후기.

    학부시절 졸업하면서 MDPI Sensors에 제출한 논문이 최종적으로 accept 되었다.  Efficient Lp Distance Computation Using Function-Hiding Inner Product Encryption for Privacy-Preserving Anomaly DetectionIn Internet of Things (IoT) systems in which a large number of IoT devices are connected to each other and to third-party servers, it is crucial to verify whether each device operates appropriately. Although anomaly det..

    [논문 세미나] Practical Signature-Free ACS in Constant Time

    [논문 세미나] Practical Signature-Free ACS in Constant Time

    Author: SisiDuan, Xin Wang, HaibinZhang Journal/Conference: draft. https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/154 Presentation material: Reproposable ABA 를 CKPS 계열의 BFT 프로토콜에 적용하여 합의 속도를 증가시킨 케이스. RBC phase 의 network bandwidth consumption 이 dominant 하다. (communication complexity 와 message complexity 가 여전히 \(O(n^3)\)) Weak RBC 는 기억할만하다. 메세지는 처음 교환할 때만 이루어지고, 메세지에 대한 합의는 hash of message 를 이용해서 communication com..

    [논문 리뷰] Scaling Blockchain Consensus via a Robust Shared Mempool

    [논문 리뷰] Scaling Blockchain Consensus via a Robust Shared Mempool

    Author: Fangyu Gai, Jianyu Niu, Ivan Beschastnikh, Chen Feng, Sheng Wang Journal/Conference: ICDE 2023 Source: https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.05158 Abstract There is a resurgence of interest in Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) systems due to blockchains. However, leader-based BFT consensus protocols used by permissioned blockchains have limited scalability and robustness. To alleviate the leader bottl..

    [논문 리뷰] The Honey Badger of BFT protocols

    [논문 리뷰] The Honey Badger of BFT protocols

    Author: Miller, A., Xia, Y., Croman, K., Shi, E., & Song, D. Journal/Conference: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications security source: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/2976749.2978399 [Abstract] The surprising success of cryptocurrencies has led to a surge of interest in deploying large scale, highly robust, Byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) protocols for m..